I am the Bread of Life…. John 6:35
Bread of Life Homeschoolers was founded on May 15, 2000 when six homeschooling moms and one dad gathered around a kitchen table and outlined a mission for a new Catholic homeschooling group that supported families in The Woodlands area. Bread of Life was chosen as the group name and monthly First Friday Mass and Park Days were scheduled.
Since then, our membership has grown to more than 250 families and well beyond the Woodlands area, and our Bread of Life Activities include:
First Friday Mass and Park Days -monthly Park Day for all ages, themes follow the Liturgical calendar
Mom’s Faith and Fellowship- aka Mom’s Night Out, where moms gather for Adoration and dinner
Middle School Virtue Club- monthly meet ups for BOL Middle Schoolers to share faith and fellowship
High School Faith and Fun-monthly meet ups for BOL High School Teens to share faith and fellowship
Members of Bread of Life use a platform called Flocknote to work together to achieve our Mission.
If you are interested in joining Bread of Life Homeschoolers:
please click here to JOIN OUR GROUP where you will be redirected to Flocknote to register. A Moderator will contact you once your request is received.
If you would like to ask a question or reach a Moderator:
please click here to Contact Us . A Moderator will contact you once your request is received. Thank you for your interest!
our mission:
Bread of Life – a community of local Catholic homeschool families – provides support to parents fulfilling their vocation as primary educators of their children through mutual cooperation and friendship. We provide a platform for homeschooling families to connect with other families; a way to discuss relevant topics, gather wisdom, find encouragement and crowd-source information. This makes it possible for members to enrich one another through a broad array of educational, spiritual, and social activities in The Woodlands and surrounding areas.